Ancient Forest Alliance asks Victoria to protect grove
The Ancient Forest Alliance is appealing to the provincial government to protect endangered old-growth forests by dubbing a recently found grove of massive trees Christy Clark Grove.
The grove, which the AFA found on unprotected Crown land near Port Renfrew, boasts a Douglas fir with a circumference of 9.5 metres, making it the eighth widest known Douglas fir in Canada. The group has nicknamed the fir the Clark Giant and a massive red cedar has been dubbed the Gnarly Clark.
“We’re hoping that Christy Clark won’t let the Christy Clark Grove get cut down and will show some leadership by creating a plan to protect B.C.’s endangered old-growth forests,” said AFA co-founder TJ Watt.
The grove is in the Gordon River valley, not far from Avatar Grove, an area which the AFA brought to public attention shortly before some of the grove was due to be harvested. After public pressure the grove was protected by the provincial government.
Big trees have become an integral part of Port Renfrew’s tourist trade and a boardwalk is being built at Ava-tar Grove to accommodate visitors. However, the province is continuing with an unsustainable forest strategy and has not followed through on a commitment to create a new legal tool to protect B.C.’s largest trees and groves, said AFA co-founder Ken Wu.